Podcast Episode 9 Getting Started with Infopreneurship

Podcast Episode 9 Getting Started with Infopreneurship

I had the pleasure of speaking to Bailey Richert. Bailey is an award-winning business coach who helps individuals launch and grow profitable online enterprises as infopreneurs. Infopreneurship is a form of entrepreneurship focusing on the creation of information products.

The form that information products can take can vary from special reports, books, courses, etc. A benefits of infopreneurship is that after you have created the product you have a product that you can sell forever. A second benefit of this is that you could add marketing to introduce individuals/purchasers to other products. By adding some form of advertisement in your initial product you can create free marketing for another product. There are a few cons of creating information products. The product that is created may not be the one that your audience or client may not want. You could have spent months creating a product that no one wants. A second con is that it requires an audience or group of clients to be able to sell these products to.

There are ways to get around the cons of infopreneurship. The first is to go through the process of creating an audience. An audience to be able to sell products can be created by traditional blogging, podcasting and creating videos. If you don’t have the desire or ability to pump out blog posts you could transcribe some of the audio or visual feed to be able to create written content. By going through this process you will be able to rank organically with google and build up traffic on your website. All of this will allow you to build up an audience through whatever method is the best fit for you individually. The second con that exists for information products is creating the wrong product for the wrong audience. There are a few different ways to remedy this problem. You can reach out to individuals in your audience assuming that you have been blogging, podcasting or creating videos for a while. Tell individuals that ae on your emails list that you are interested in creating x product at x price point and see if they are interested in this product. I’d recommend asking them in the same email if they are interested in anything else or had other product recommendations. If you don’t ask you will never know what they are interested in buying.

If you don’t have an existing audience then you could look for groups in the same niche as you and look through the Facebook posts for the group. What you are looking for is a recurring complaint or problem that people are looking to resolve. The reason to go to Facebook is to generate product ideas.  

If you found this information on infopreneurship to be useful or helpful you can find out more about infopreneurship from Bailey at Bailey Richert.com.